Rio de Janeiro State Government has already celebrated three same-sex civil union partnership collective cerimonies

Rio de Janeiro State Government celebrates the third collective ceremony of same-sex civil union partnerships

by Sergio Viula

According to the State Secretary, the event gathered about 100 couples and became the biggest same-sex civil union partnership in the world. Although, 10 states of Brazil do register same-sex marriage without the need of a civil union being registered first place, Rio de Janeiro hasn’t been able to overcome the resistance of some conservative state representatives yet. Since the first celebration of same-sex union partnerships promoted by the Secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights, the State Government has helped make statistics, which also puts some pressure on the Legislative Assembly to guarantee the same rights to all the State citizens as other states have already done.

Civil union partnerships have been officially recognized by the Supreme Court, partly because of a request sent by Rio de Janeiro Governor, Mr. Sergio Cabral, who solicited what is called in the Brazilian legislation “a direct action of unconstitutionality”. The Supreme Court found unconstitutional not to allow same-sex people to legalize their civil unions and that became a recognized right of everyone's on the same grounds, regardlessly of sexual orientation or gender.

One ceremony before registered the union of 50 couples in July, 2012. This is the third ceremony and that number has almost doubled, rising up to accurate 92 couples.

"This ceremony is important due to several factors. Firstly, the LGBT community is becoming aware of their rights and these events signal that place. Another reason is that it helps spread information about rights that have already been recognized. Lastly, this ceremony speaks to society so we can promote a culture of Peace, while it states that love is not to be classified", explained the Superintendent Cláudio Nascimento.

The ceremony took place in the Justice Court of Rio de Janeiro (TJ-RJ).

With information from the official site of the State Secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights: SEASDH

The information is from December 10, 2012, released by the official site of the State Secretary of Social Assistance and Human Rights. The original text was written by Renata Sequeira.


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