Coca-Cola replies to Sergio Viula about their sponsorship to the Olimpics in Russia

This is the situation in Russia: Gay man is arrested during manifestation
against governmental homophobia
Brasileiros, saibam mais sobre o boicote e como participar.
São apenas três dias, mas fará diferença. ;)
September 12, 2013
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Sergio Viula. I'm from Brazil, a country that will
soon host both the Olympic Games and the World Cup and I'm really
embarrassed by the fact that your company is sponsoring the Winter Olympic Games in Russia. Their recent anti-LGBT policies are pure outraging fascim.
How come a company that is always selling an image or respect, friendship and happiness, pour out millions of dollars into a country that has violated several human rights, especially now with those anti-LGBTlaws put into effect by President Putin?
Shame on you! Your company should be putting pression on the IOC to transfer the Games from Russia to a country where people of all sexualities and genders are treated with all due respect. Canada showed interest in hosting the games in response to the Russian homophobic-transphobic policies.
As you haven't taken a clear stand for humanism and for the opressed
Russian LGBT community, I am taking part in the international three-day boycott against yourproducts, coinciding with the time when the Olympic torch will be arriving in Russia.
In Brazil, the boycott group page can be found here:
Sergio Viula
September 12, 2013.
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Viula. We appreciate the opportunity to respond.
As one of the world’s most inclusive brands, we value and celebrate diversity. We have long been a strong supporter of the LGBT community and have advocated for inclusion and diversity through both our policies and practices. We do not condone human rights abuses, intolerance or discrimination of any kind anywhere in the world.
As a sponsor since 1928, we believe the Olympic Games are a force for good that unite people through a common interest in sports, and we have seen firsthand the positive impact and long-lasting legacy they leave on every community that has been a host.
We support the ideals of the Olympics and are proud to continue our role in helping to make the Olympics a memorable experience for athletes, fans and communities all around the world.
We hope this information is helpful and encourage you to contact us again should you have additional comments or questions.
Industry and Consumer Affairs
The Coca-Cola Company
Please use the record number below should you have additional questions.

Uma gentileza de Welbert Cabral via Facebook.
Obrigado pelo contato com a empresa Coca-Cola, Mr. Viula.
Agradecemos a oportunidade de responder.
Como uma das marcas mais inclusivas do mundo, nós valorizamos e celebrar a diversidade. Temos sido um forte defensor da comunidade LGBT e têm defendido a inclusão ea diversidade através de ambas as nossas políticas e práticas. Nós não toleramos abusos dos direitos humanos, intolerância ou discriminação de qualquer tipo em qualquer lugar do mundo.
Como patrocinadora desde 1928, acreditamos que os Jogos Olímpicos são uma força para o bem que unir as pessoas através de um interesse comum em esportes, e temos visto em primeira mão o impacto positivo e duradouro legado que deixam em cada comunidade que tem sido um host.
Apoiamos os ideais dos Jogos Olímpicos e estamos orgulhosos de continuar o nosso papel em ajudar a tornar os Jogos Olímpicos uma experiência memorável para os atletas, fãs e comunidades em todo o mundo.
Esperamos que esta informação é útil e incentivá-lo a entrar em contato conosco novamente se você tiver comentários ou perguntas adicionais.
Indústria e Consumidores
The Coca-Cola Company
Por favor, utilize o número do registro abaixo se você tiver perguntas adicionais.
Yes, Paul. That's correct. I'm happy that many people have noticed the same as you: They didn't really say anything about the central issue: Why support the Games in a scenario of hatred just to repeat historical mistakes, to say the least?
ResponderExcluirAnyway, I have two objectives here:
1. Showing that they don't really care and will not understand any language but the language of money. The boycott speaks loudly and clearly. Let's join it and call out to other people.
2. It must have disturbed them. I didn't say that in the post above, but my message was not sent to a Customer's Chat Service or something like that. Not at all. It was sent to the personal e-mail of the Vice-President of Media in the company's hierarchy. He himself opened told someone below to open a ticket and answer me. What does that mean? It means that the information has undoubtedly reached the highest rank offices.
Let's show them that an empty answer as that one will not stop us from sending them a clear message: the three-day boycott. Coca-Cola and Mc Donald's. This one hasn't had even the kindness of sending a reply, at least one as empty as that of Coca-Cola's.
Hugs, dude.
Sergio Viula
Resposta chulé achando que o escritor é um imbecil. Foda-se a Coca e o Mac Donald's
ResponderExcluirVerdade, Enilson. E olha que o e-mail foi enviado para o Vice-Presidente de Mídia Externa da Coca-Cola EUA... Foi ele que encaminhou para esse setor com essa resposta-padrão, praticamente. De qualquer modo, já chegou ao alto comando da empresa. Muita gente está aderindo ao boicote em vários lugares do mundo. Vamos espalhar.
ResponderExcluirAbraço forte, guerreiro e querido amigo.
Sergio Viula